About Us & History
Armands Beach Leisure GroupHistory of Armands Beach
Armands Beach has been known as a nude beach for over 100 years. It is named after Armand Lemmeric, a man of French origin, who owned the farm at the back of Armands Bay. Armand Lemmeric regularly swam nude at the beach and was joined by other locals who did not own swimming costumes
In the 1930s nude cricket matches were held at Armands Beach. During the 60s and 70s it was the camp site for the first “flower power” commune at a beach location in NSW.
In 1993, the NSW government handed control of beaches to local government on the condition that beaches retained the usage they had under state government. As Armands Beach was known as a nude beach, the Bermagui Area Committee recommended to council that it be legalised. Armands Beach was declared a legal clothes optional beach by Bega Valley Shire Council on 17 November 1993. This means nude bathing is legal along the entire area of the beach and foreshore meaning there is plenty of room for everyone.
There is a track to the beach from the first car park and a set of stairs at the second car park. Both ways are fairly steep and a good workout on the way back to the parking areas.
Please note that this beach is not patrolled and is subject to strong currents so a degree of care is needed. You will need to bring your own shelter, food, water etc. There are no toilets or facilities at the beach.

About Armands Beach Leisure Group
Today, just like years ago, what draws us together is this pristine beach that we all love and its legal clothes optional status. A status we hope to help preserve for years to come. Our group is informal. We are not a club. There is no president or secretary and no membership fees, we have a pay as you go system. A small number of us work together when organising a dinner or event. Others pitch in when required. We all play a part.
Along with seeing each other at the beach we also have 4-5 dinner nights at the Murrah hall. A little community hall that is approximately 5km south of the beach on the Tathra-Bermagui road. The menu varies with the seasons and the hall is always heated to nude temperature. There is room to camp at the hall inside and out. After breakfast the next morning all the leftovers are put out so people can make a picnic lunch before heading to the beach.
We also have a newsletter that is sent out 4 times a year approximately a month before our dinners. It can be posted or emailed at no cost.
In March we hold a Fun In The Sun day on the beach. It is a day of games, fun and laughter, with trophies and prizes to be won. There is no charge and no need to book to have fun on the beach. The local volunteer lifesavers patrol the beach on the day to keep us safe. All we ask is that you bring some change with you as we like to donate to them on the day.
Keep an eye out for our teardrop flag when on the beach one of us is always close by and happy to say hello.
The beach has visitors through to April as the water is still warm and there are places to hide out of the wind.
We are a family friendly group that provides a safe, friendly, non threatening environment to give naturism a try. Like the beach our gatherings are clothing optional. There is no pressure to be nude.
PLEASE NOTE: We are not into partner swapping or any other sexual activity that may be perceived by some as being associated with group nudity.
If you are looking for that experience, the Armands Beach Leisure Group is not for you.
Extra info
We have:
No Membership fees; just pay as you go activities, with a regular quarterly newsletter once you are on Thelma’s mailing list.
No Restrictions; on gender, age, marital status, or sexual preference. All our activities are family orientated so we do expect that attendees at the beach and our events behave appropriately.
No Constitution or Office Bearers; everyone pitches in for our organised activities.
Our activities include
The Beach; anytime of year – quite often you’ll find someone there from the group, usually Jim, the most frequent user, under his blue and green umbrella. A tip for newbies…the middle of the beach is less blowy if the wind picks up.
Family Fun Day; usually the 2nd Sunday in March corresponding with the Canberra long weekend and the Victorian holiday.
Dinners at Murrah Hall; corner of Tathra-Bermagui Road & Benny Gowings Road – we hold dinners 4 times seasonally throughout the year.
Clean Up Australia Day; at beach and access tracks in March.
Nude Years Eve; 31 December annual dinner at Murrah Hall proceeded by a day at the beach